Electric Vehicle Experience

Servicing and supporting electric vehicles is different

Unlike combustion engines,  where many events can be resolved roadside, more than 85% of electric vehicle events lead to a tow. Also, the majority of electric vehicles do not have a spare, which complicates the flat tire experience. Finally, there's every EV driver’s biggest fear - running out of charge.  These differences impact the customer experience and brand affinity. 

electric vehicle experience
Fully charge your investment in EVs

Our new services with enhanced support help manage unexpected bumps in the road, which can impact your new EV owner's experience. 

Agero Change Management Icon white

Support for EV adoption

Agero Innovation icon; New Services Icon

Innovative Roadside Services

brand love

Brand building experience


Optimal vehicle support

Decades of experience and partnership in Electric Vehicles
2010-Agero's recommended structural changes to GM ensure proper handling.
GM launches the Chevy Volt which includes Agero's recommended structural changes to ensure proper handling.
2014 Agero launches EV consumer affairs support for general inquiries
With 110K EVs sold across 19 models, Agero launches EV consumer affairs support for general inquiries and technical assistance.
Agero co-founds the Advanced Vehicle Technology Consortium
Agero co-founds the Advanced Vehicle Technology Consortium.
2017 - Agero expands service support to luxury brands like Tesla
With Tesla's model S pushing the boundaries of range at 315 miles, Agero expands service support to luxury brand EVs. Agero also creates branded EV training videos and tip sheets and offers live training across the US.
Electrify America a partner of Agero
Agero partners with leading charging network provider to support customer experience.
SparkCharge a partner of Agero
Agero launches ultra-fast mobile charging service with Sparkcharge.
Agero services thousands of events, across over 600 different EV models
Agero services thousands of events, across over 600 different EV models.